It is no secret when those with special needs turn 22 years old, the school bus stops coming and they are faced with limited opportunities and tough transitions into adulthood. Many spend days in non-stimulating environments and are left feeling unproductive in their lives. This can and does lead to a downward spiral of loneliness and depression. Also, the increase in idle and alone time often leads to the regression of skills learned through the school years.
From the beginning, our vision has been to have adults with special needs in our community come together and have opportunities to socialize, enjoy recreation, and learn life application skills alongside their peers. They would have the opportunity to at least maintain their skills but also to continue to grow by participating in purposeful and goal-oriented activities. We saw these adults maturing and thriving in an enjoyable, structured, and supportive setting where they could learn, laugh and shine!
Our dream continues to be realized. Instead of those days without friends or without purpose, The Next Stop makes it possible for adults with special needs to be part of a social community and experience meaningful, productive time together as well as enjoy opportunities and experiences that can enrich and expand their lives.